Running into Issues with cash? Don't be ashamed, you are not the only one who's ever had a difficult time with cash flow in the history of humankind. It's a normal incident particularly with this type of unpredictable market we have in America. Now one choice you have if you're in dire needs is to simply take out a loan. A collateral loan specifically. A security loan according to Wikipedia, is a secured loan wherein the debtor maintains an asset for example a car, property, jewelry etc.. One important thing you may use as security is Gold. Choose a financing company that will provide you with an optimum loan equivalent or close to the value of the gold you're using as collateral. In reality it's not only gold, you may also get a loan with your platinum or silver. Having said that, gold transactions have been rising and include around $100 billion dollar every day, larger than the government bonds of some countries in Europe. Every time a ...